Tumbling and Stumbling Through Life...

You ever have one of those weeks? One of those weeks where everything is just piled on top of each other. You get through one event just to have the next one roll up? I like those weeks, don't get me wrong. I like having things to do and people to see. BUT. But after those weeks are done I feel sooooo tired. I just woke from an almost 2 hour nap and I wish it had been twice as long.

Here's how spacey I am at the end of this week. Last night I went to see Chicago at Eastglen High School. It was really good. Before I went I was feeling a little out of it. We had some last minute company to our house Thurs-Sat so I spent 2 nights up talking late and that was in addition to all the "stuff" I had to do. So I contemplated not going to the play. I am glad that Mark "made" me (he said I should because I missed the last one and felt bad about it and who cares if I was going alone). Anyhow, watched the show, had fun, got up to leave, went to the lobby, couldn't find my car keys. Where were they? Went back and checked my seat - not there. Found my spares. Told my friend (the director) to keep an eye out for them. Went out to my car (hmmm maybe they dropped on the floor of my car?). Well, they were in my car, in the ignition, and the car was running, HAD been running for the whole time I was in the theatre. Luckily my car was locked and I had spares and I had enough gas to get home. Oh Boy!


Annemarie said…
NICE! :)

Greg did that one night - left the car running OVERNIGHT! (I was out of town I think) Most uncharacteristic of him and much more characteristic of me....such an odd thing.

What I like best about this story is that you have an 'I'm an idiot' label - because you're planning for blogging on future lapses?!?! :)

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