Fringe 2024 - WORD OF MOUTH - Friday, Aug 16th - Find Your Fringe!

Word of Mouth

I asked folks in the line-ups and beer tents if they had any shows to recommend. These are shows they enjoyed and thought people would like. I have not seen most of them and your tastes may vary - BUT if you like the idea of the show and it's on this list, it's probably a good bet! I've added disclaimers where they were provided by the provider!

Rat Academy (which might be Sold Out but I heard a rumour it may play in the city after the Fringe)
Oddball Cabaret
Let's Not Turn on Each Other
Alison Wunderland
Heartstrings: An Improvised Theatre Experience
Brother Love's Good Time Gospel Hour (Only for those not easily offended)
Naked Mennonite
That's What She Sang
Bright Lights
Rob and Chris (Bobby and Tina)


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