Friday Fun at the Fringe - For Science! and Satan Does a Cabaret!

We're getting near the end of the Festival, but I saved some good ones for this weekend!

For Science! - I finally made it to the show! It's been on my list for a few Fringes and I have never been able to fit it in, but it worked this year - YAY! It was so much fun! A show that is indeed for all ages but is clever and smart and sciencey (so you know I like that!). The kids have a great time and the adults have a great time. I'd go again if they bring it back! I think their last show is this afternoon - so check it out if you can!

Satan Does a Cabaret - I had a lot of fun at this one. Rebecca Merkley is such a great performer and her voice is one that I can listen to forever. Although I knew more about the source material with Jesus Teaches Us Things, Satan Does a Cabaret is still very entertaining! Satan knows how to belt out the big songs and it was fun that the audience got to join in (in a variety of capacities). I had avoided learning the lyrics to W.A.P. in my life but that's done now! ha ha ha ha! Oooooh Satan! I guess that's what Satan does!



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