Fringe 2024 - FIND YOUR FRINGE! Begins! Kicking it off with Regression (Cathexis Theatre) at the Playhouse!

It's time for the Fringe Festival - the Edmonton Theatre Community's most special time of year! I successfully purchased my Double Fringer Pass and after sorting through the 200+ offerings on hand in the Program I booked myself 20+ shows and waited anxiously for the kick-off last night!

The Theme this year is "Find Your Fringe!" and that is what I encourage all of you to do. With 200+ shows, you can literally construct a Fringe that is custom made for you. I personally like a mix of shows, but this year I am comedy heavy as I wanted choices to lift my spirit, but if you are into historical, drama, improv, clown, experimental, quirky, political, musical, drag, burlesque new works - you can design a Fringe that fits you like a glove!

I caught an 8 pm show last night - a new work and a musical called Regression by local company Cathexis Theatre. Cathexis has been producing new musicals at the Fringe for several years and this one explores the impact and inspiration of the past (particularly dead white men like Shakespeare, Van Gogh and Mozart) on what we create today. As a playwright, I connected to this struggle as I have often dreamed of writing something as significant as Shakespeare! The show occurs in Prior, a community obsessed with all things from the past, and three young artists (writer, musician, and painter played by Kara Adams, Pauline Miki, and Chrissie Palacios) must find inspiration from the afore-mentioned long-dead Shakespeare, Mozart and Van Gogh to create their work at the Annual Faire (or lose their funding!). I really enjoyed the music in the show. The three artists sound wonderful together and Kara Adams, whose story seems the most central, has a fantastic voice. The three 'saints of inspiration' (played by Colin Bluekens, Tom Blazejewicz, and Dave Froland) provide a lot of the humour to the show. I loved the line about Shakespeare (Bluekens) after he repeatedly demonstrated his misogyny, that he was "Progressive - for his time!" Other artistic struggles include wanting to be original, trying to escape repression and suffering perhaps too much for one's art. It was a fun show to start my Fringe!

What's Next? Today I will be seeing Bright Lights (Blarney Productions), ROB AND CHRIS (BOBBY+TINA)-A NEW MUSICAL (Plain Jane), and The Black Widow Gun Club (Whizzgiggling)! I think it will be a terrific afternoon!

IF YOU SEE ME ON THE GROUNDS - Tell me what you liked as I will once again be posting my "Word of Mouth" posts. I cannot get to every show so I have to rely on other people to tell me what's worth your Fringe dollars!


Come see Corporate Finch at Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre! Two creepy late night shows & a Sunday afternoon snack this weekend :)

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