A Good Day...
Today was the Friday of Teacher's Convention. It was so nice not to have to leave the house for anything. The boys are getting to the age that ( for the most part) they can play well together and they also appreciate a day with no running around. I had a couple of big writing and reading tasks that I needed to do and the boys played and I got to work. I completed my Post-Workshop Draft of Zachary and the Storytelling Stones for my meeting on Tuesday and I also finally got around to the second Draft of Mr. Twiddles, the script I am providing dramaturgy for as part of the Play Readings portion of the Footlights Festival. I have felt bad about the second item because my life got crazy-busy with winning the workshop for Zachary so I lost the time I thought I would have over Reading Week to get things done. I had a lot of scripts to read and that had to happen, as did the workshop and whatever work I had for school and L5Y, so unfortunately I pushed Mr. Twiddles to the back burne...