Re-Cap and Reflection - Fringe Day Two

The afternoon at the Fringe with the boys was great.  A little expensive, but great.  We enjoyed some of the buskers/outdoor shows (Deux Hoops and Secret Circus) and wandered the grounds.  We also got their ice-cream and mini donuts covered.  It was good.  The best was the show. I picked right this year! Yay!  Kidprovisors proved to be a fabulous choice.  It suited both boys and they loved it.  I also quite enjoyed the show.  The group really merged the adult experienced improvisors with the young new improvisors very well and they gave us a truly entertaining hour of fun.  Gibson is a full-body audience member, particularly when he laughs and he squirmed and roared through the whole thing.  Oliver dropped his "I'm almost a teenager' attitude and was similarly engaged. Donovan Workun was both boys' favorite and they were thrilled to wave at him in the street after the show (and he waved back - so thrilled!).  They both want to take improv classes.  Now that's doing your job!

After we grabbed supper I met up with Mark and he took the boys off my hands so I could rush back to catch my two evening shows.  The first, Teatro's Angels on Horseback, was a fun little show.  I got my money's worth in laughs, but I was a bit disappointed with the lack of focus to the script.  Jeff Haslam stole the show and I think Medley (Ryan Parker and Rachel Bowron) could do a whole Fringe show themselves, but I found it hard to figure out whose story we were seeing and why.  It's a campy little piece and perhaps the party was just meant to be a set-up to get those crazy people in the same room together, I just wanted a little more flow and arc to the story.  

I ended the evening with The Be Arthurs Originals show.  Because the previous show in the Varscona went over time, this one started late and also went over time, but I had no other show afterwards so I was okay.  The show itself was hilarious and full of great music.  It's not a play, it's a concert, but the four guys are so funny and the banter and the way they play off each other is really well done.  The original songs they played showed not only their great sense of humour, but also their incredible musical skills. I highly recommend this one. I was belly laughing from the start, through the middle and to the end.


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