Fringe 2012 - Day Two Plan!

I am taking my kids to the Fringe this afternoon for a little Kidprovising and Kid's Fringe.  Soon the oldest will be too cool for the Kid's Fringe so I am making the most of it now.  Ah well, when he's too old I can send him on his way and just do kid stuff with the younger.  Anyhow, the first question asked of me today when I came downstairs was, "When are we going to the Fringe?" I like this.  I like that when we occasionally drive by the area at other times in the year the kids will ask "When is Fringe on again?" I like that they are already attached to it... I have done my brain-washing! But even better, the Fringe has done it's job to make it something they want to return to.

I am going to try to stick to a budget with regards to Fringe food.  These kids would eat EVERYTHING if I would buy it for them.  Mini-donuts, ice-cream, maybe pizza... we shall see. First the show, then Kid's Fringe and then the food.  That's the way it has to go.

Tonight, after my husband picks the kid's up, I will see at least 2 more shows (Angels on Horseback and The Be Arthurs).  I would love to squeeze in a third, but I have Play in a Day this weekend and I have to bank some sleep so I can write well!


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