Great Theatre Abounds!
It's been a ridiculously busy few weeks (and still is) for theatre in the city! The good news is that there is much to see, the bad news is you can't get to all of it. I've managed to take in a few shows that still have a few dates left in their run and a few that are closed and there's a few others I wish could get to but there aren't enough days... Ones You Can Still Catch That I've Seen: Anxiety - Theatre Yes If you are into immersive theatre and theatre that is less traditional you shoudl definitely check this out. I can't give much detail because I had to sign a waiver, but it definitely was a complete theatre experience. Unsettling at times and it likely challenges every audience member in a different way. Be prepared for about a 2 hour experience. Wear comfortable shoes and don't dress too warmly. Runs to Dec 4. Fen - Trunk Theatre (at the Varscona) A challenging, untraditional piece of theatre by Caryl Churchill ( Cloud Nine, Top Gi...