I Made This! Or Rather, I am Making This!
The past 8-9 weeks I have been involved in APN's Edmonton Playwright's Circle working on a piece called Little Monsters . The Circle experience has been great. Led by facilitator Conni Massing and filled with 8 playwrights of various stages in their writing career, we supported each other and helped everyone to write the best play they could. The most important thing for me is that it gave me deadlines and those are so much easier to write towards than a blank future. Accountability is so important for a writer. It would be wonderful to think that we could motivate ourselves, but for me, it is the deadline. Anyhow, I started this piece at Playworks Ink in November during a workshop with Daniel MacIvor. Prior to the workshop I did not even know it was a play. I was about halfway done a first draft by mid-December, but I stalled until I joined the circle. I stuck it in my life in a time I thought was pretty free (that was thrown of...