Switching Hats
I am currently Assistant Directing one of the One Acts at Walterdale Theatre. I am fitting in the time commitment 'when I can' so I shall miss a few rehearsals. It is hard to do two shows at once, and with Cinderella starting up in mid June I will be going straight from 2 shows to 2 shows. I think I only have about a week of overlap until I am done to just the one Fringe show so late June shall feel like a bit of a relief, I think. I am also hopeful that my director will work around my hectic schedule with the knowledge that after July 12th I am hers and hers alone. It is strange to switch from show to show and keep the focus. Acting and Directing are different and you have to be in a different place and you have different permissions for sharing ideas in each role. I like doing both, but I really have to separate the different projects.
It is manageable. BUT that requires major scheduling and who knows when we will get either of the two p/t Pharmacists back to work?