I caught two thought-provoking (and funny) shows this weekend. Patricia Darbasie in Donna Orbits the Moon , Brianne Jang BB Collective Photography The first, Donna Orbits the Moon presented by Northern Light Theatre, was a one-woman show with the impressive Patricia Darbasie as Donna, a woman finding herself reacting with intense rage to inconveniences in her life. We are not exactly sure at the beginning why these moments are provoking such anger and violence, but there's something in the way that Donna tells the story that we are totally on her side. Indeed when I read a description online before seeing the show, I immediately connected. Too often we are expected to smile and be accommodating and the desire to say " No! " is often very strong with me. I see you, Donna! But there's something more to Donna's rage. There's a concrete reason she's suppressing and the reveal is deftly revealed in a touching and emotionally moving way (Directed by Trevor Sch...
You've been doing GREAT! Take out your little milestone mementos (the token & the key chain) & think about how far you have come already. Do you have plans to go to the fitness classes this week? That might give you a boost. Or since heat's the problem take the kids to a pool - or run through the sprinkler with them. Focusing on activity might take your mind off of counting points.
Keep it up - you're doing amazing!!! :)