Singing and Sweating
Well, last night was my 3rd night singing with Chanteuses. I felt much better after the practice last night than previously nights. I think because I was really working hard and I felt that my practicing had helped. I do find singing Sop 1 a bit of a challenge right now. It is not because I can't do it, but because I haven't been singing up there in so long that the muscles are out of practice. It is good for me because I may actually get more of a comfort zone up there if I work it. Perhaps one day I will even feel comfortable soloing up there. Who knows. I know I didn't audition for Hello Dolly because of the whole range thing. It is not because I can't sing up there, it is because I am not comfortable contemplating a solo with too many notes above a "C" (the one in FACE). I want to sound my best at all times and I tend to think i sound best in my belt. Ohhhhh. The challenge with this group is also that I feel I have to work harder, and because nobody knows ...