Fringe #42 - Winding Down... Friday, August 25...

Only managed two shows yesterday, but lots of good visiting on the grounds in between! It's hard to keep the momentum going, so I am pacing myself. 

First up was Lizard Boy: The Musical! It's another weird musical so right up my alley! It was very well done with three excellent singer-actors telling the comic book infused rom-com story of the Lizard Boy and an impending dragon-apocalypse. Of course, there's a villain to fight and a love story. Told with humour and terrific tunes it was great fun! There's also one of the best projection sets I have ever seen at Fringe that leant the comic book WOW to the fight scenes! 

Next, after a long visit and some mini-donuts, I took in Underbelly at Walterdale. I didn't know what to expect and I don't really think anyone could expect this show. It was a very funny and clever clown show with some cool tech and a monster. There were some technical difficulties that actually enhanced the show as the performer ably dealt with them. There's audience participation. All in all a fun, but weird 40-45 minutes!


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