WORD OF MOUTH - Saturday, August 13th

As part of my Fringe experience and because I can only get to see so many shows, I like to talk to people in line-ups and at the beer tent and on the grounds and ask them what shows they'd recommend based on what they've seen. The only requirement is that they can't recommend the show they are actually in/involved with themselves (if they are an artist).  I try, however, to talk primarily to the people who are primarily audience members.

Anyhow, here's my first round up of WORD OF MOUTH recommendations:

Prepare for the Worst
Trail and Error
Never Swim Alone
Talking Dirty
The Red Shirt Diaries
Gordon's Big Bald Head
Call Me Kirk
The Darling Family
Watermelon Girls
Saltwater Moon
Scaramouche Jones
The Ballad of Frank Allen
Cowboy: A Cowboy Story

I'll be collecting more all week, so if you see me, please give me your recommendations!


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