Fitness Begins...

So, I got on the Treadmill today. No excuses, so I did it. It was a good hour with about 45 on the treadmill, and 15 of pushups, crunches and squats. It is a new beginning. Wish me luck on my continued comittment to fitness. I knwo I will never be skinny, but I have to do something now before my physical condition gets worse no matter how much I would rather be doing other things.


Annemarie said…
That's the way to do it - some days you just have to suit up and show up!
Finster said…
Well, the abs can feel it today - so that's a good sign.
Annemarie said…
A boxing class started in my gym over the last couple of months. I went on Saturday and boy can I feel it! You know how sometimes you'll work your abs and it hurts to laugh or cough? It's intense like that, only becase of the nature of throwing a punch I feel it in my back.

And I've had a tickle in my throat all day! Agony!

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