Last Week - Where Did It Go?

The illness in my house last week (mine and the kids) knocked me out of circulation and left me feeling behind in everything. Thankfully I had chunks of time in my very busy Saturday where I could read some of my scripts. The one thing about kid's classes is that while they are in the class you have to sit and wait for them, and reading is a very good thing to do to fill your time. I read Hosanna, The Rez Sisters and Lion in the Streets and I started The Tale of the Allergists Wife. Two were for homework, and 2 for consideration for Walterdale. Check! I still have many more to read, but I always bring one or two along with me wherever I go.

I am trying to get on top of things this week and change the momentum of last week. Already I have coloured my hair (the blond was getting to me - too hard to maintain without the proper salon time and money), cleaned the upstairs bathroom, and I am doing a whole house garbage round-up. I also have 2 reference letters to write and I have an important decision to make about whether or not we leave From Something in the ADFA StageStruck! The schedules of those involved (myself included) are getting stressed to the limit and I don't want to put it up if it is not what I want it to be. It was a great idea in the summer, but now that the reality of my life (and the lives of my cast and crew) has bubbled up it is looking like the proverbial back-breaking straw. We will talk tomorrow and see what the task actually is once we do the read-through. Maybe it isn't as big a job as we think?

I have a sitter booked tonight. We (the From Something girls) were going to go for dinner tonight. Two of the cast is ill and one cannot get to the restaurant and I haven't heard from another so it might just be two of us. I am going to do something. I am not going to waste a sitter!


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