So Much For Sleeping In...

I always hope that there will be peace downstairs and that I might possibly get to sleep in on Saturdays, but no matter what, the minute that Mark leaves the house I hear the thump thump thump of Oliver running up the stairs to crawl in with me to snuggle. He's a snuggler and has always been, but it's kind of annoying when I am trying to sleep. Besides that, he's an eight year old who is the size of a 10-11 year old and he is all arms and legs so it is a far cry from snuggling with him when he was 3! Also, Mark didn't get them breakfast before they left so hunger was a shrill complaint that forced me out of bed and down to the kitchen. Apparently Mark thought Oliver was on top of getting them breakfast, but Oliver thought he just had to get the bowls and spoons out so there was a communication gap. Ah ga ga glug gulp...

So, in November, this might not bother me so much, but today when I still feel like crap and I have been out late 4 of 5 nights and I have been up early 4 out of 5 days, I really needed it. Tomorrow I need a wee sleep-in and then I do a marathon paced day (rehearsal #1 at 11 a.m.; rehearsal #2 at 2 p.m.; Casino at 9:45 p.m. until 3:45 a.m.). Maybe I can get a nap between Rehearsal #2 and the Casino. Cross your fingers!

This week continues with a crazy schedule. Some time before Thursday I need to write a 6 page paper (the Prof reduced the length from 12 pages - whew!). I may compromise on the quality just to get the quantity done, luckily I am not mark dependent, and I took this course to become a better playwright, not a better essay writer). I also have 2 nights of rehearsal for Sweeney, one for the AGM, then the Open House at Walterdale on Saturday followed by the AGM that night. I have stuff to do as both Secretary and AD for the AGM and as AD and Director for the Open House. I will survive! I swear!


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