A Good Day...

Today was the Friday of Teacher's Convention. It was so nice not to have to leave the house for anything. The boys are getting to the age that (for the most part) they can play well together and they also appreciate a day with no running around. I had a couple of big writing and reading tasks that I needed to do and the boys played and I got to work. I completed my Post-Workshop Draft of Zachary and the Storytelling Stones for my meeting on Tuesday and I also finally got around to the second Draft of Mr. Twiddles, the script I am providing dramaturgy for as part of the Play Readings portion of the Footlights Festival. I have felt bad about the second item because my life got crazy-busy with winning the workshop for Zachary so I lost the time I thought I would have over Reading Week to get things done. I had a lot of scripts to read and that had to happen, as did the workshop and whatever work I had for school and L5Y, so unfortunately I pushed Mr. Twiddles to the back burner. I didn't want to do a sloppy job of it and not give it the time it deserved. Today I focused and got the work done.

I also did laundry and managed to make my clothes minty fresh by leaving a full pack of gum in the back pocket of a pair of jeans. Duh!

p.s. Twas nice to wake up singing songs from L5Y. We had a good rehearsal last night. My actors are working so hard and they pick up notes so fast. I will soon become redundant and unnecessary (let's hope not).


Magnolia said…
I am only picking things up quickly because you communicate succinctly and in a way that actually connects with what I am doing. No worries of becoming redundant!!

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