A Fun Night in Spruce Grove!

Last night I went out to Horizon Stage in Spruce Grove to watch an evening of One Acts. It is the first year that they have done this evening and it was a wonderful night of theatre. My good friend, AM, directed one of the shows (This is a Play) so I had to go and I was so pleased that I did. I haven't had a laugh out loud evening of theatre like that in a long time. There have been a few chuckles at shows, but every thing I have seen in Edmonton has been too restrained or contrived when it should have been more. In any case, 3 of the four shows were better than most of the pro shows I've seen out there and the remaining one was still good, but you could tell one of the actors was a little inexperienced and self-conscious on stage. I still enjoyed it, but not as much as the rest of them. A stand-out of the evening was Elizabeth Marsh... she just has this incredible charisma on stage... really, really, smart actress. AM says she wants to find a script where Elizabeth and I play sisters... that would be so much fun! I hope she gets looking!

I was also surprised at how quickly I got out to Spruce Grove. It always felt so much farther away in the past. Maybe I could do a show out there....


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