Oscar Countdown...

It's a lot harder to see 9 movies than it is to see 5.  Some years I have not even gotten to the 5, but now that the Oscars have up to 10 nominees for Best Picture, it has made my life more challenging.  I know, I know - poor me - having to try to get to movies... but I like it.

Anyhow, at this point I have seen three of the Best Picture nominees, Les Miserables, Argo and as of today, Lincoln.  I think I will be able to get to 6-7 of them but Amour and Beasts of the Southern Wild are challenging me as I cannot find them in Edmonton.  So far my pick would be Lincoln.  Although I really liked Argo, I was not moved in the same way as I was by Lincoln.  They are both pretty near perfect in execution - strong scripts and excellent acting and directing with all the details tight and authentic - so it is pretty much a subjective thing for me. Perhaps Lincoln just resonated more because of it's epicness and because of what is currently going on with Idle No More in Canada.  Not sure, but I certainly connected with it. It's not just about emotional response though, because Les Miserables wins that battle, but Les Mis is a flawed movie and I reacted emotionally more for personal reasons than because of it's perfection. Lincoln just felt more important and more universal.

Anyhow, I journey on - hoping to catch Life of Pi, Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained and The Silver Linings Playbook.  Two of these films don't really interest me, but I will get to them if I can. If anyone knows how I can see Amour and Beasts of the Southern Wild, let me know.


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