Look What We Got Here in YEG - Cole Porter at The Citadel Club and a meeting of YEG Theatre Minds to Talk Resources!

On Saturday night I was excited to take in John Alcorn: The Cole Porter Songbook at the new Citadel Club in the Rice Theatre space.  I've been curious to see what they had done to the space and was quite pleased with it.  The room is gorgeous and feels so upscale and classy and was a perfect environment for the concert.  Alcorn and his fellow jazz musicians were excellent as they interpreted Porter's music.  The approach was definitely more jazz than musical theatre, but they kept us all engaged for the evening.  I preferred the more upbeat numbers, with Let's Do It , Let's Fall In Love and You're The Top being my favorites, but I felt they offered a nice repertoire overall with variety that showcased their strengths and made for a delightful evening.  I'm hoping to go back and check out other events at the space.  Bridget Ryan and Rejean Cournoyer are both slated for cabarets later in the season and they are both sure to offer up a good evening of entertainment. It's an interesting addition to The Citadel and Edmonton and I hope to take advantage of it.

This afternoon I made it to my first Theatre Edmonton Meet-up at C103.  Provided as part of Canoe Festival, the topic of discussion was Resources and the meet-up was a great opportunity to talk to other theatre professionals of various levels and talk about what Edmonton has and was Edmonton needs in the way of theatre resources. The event was facilitated by Theatre Alberta's Aaron Talbot and was a great discussion.  Space and Touring were the biggest topics followed closely by Funding, but I found the best thing was the openness of the assembled artists to talk with each other and share their ideas, needs, wants and knowledge. I hope to make it to more (always schedule dependent) as it gave me a few ideas for pursuing venues for producing.  It was also refreshing to hear that the things that I feel challenged by are shared by others.  It's nice to know you are not alone!

#5 and #6 of my 2013 Theatre Goal


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