Oh Yeah, this...

There was a lot of discussion on Facebook about this the other day, but I wanted to document it on this blog as well. Great that Obama won, BUT, apparently a lot of his supporters come from a very traditional, church-going, christian background and while they voted him in, they also banned gay marriage. So much for equality of man. One cannot simply assume that Democrat=Enlightenment. I am a little annoyed that the politicians are not being leaders and instead passed the decision onto the unwashed masses. I don't know about you, but I don't want Bubba and Trixie making decisions for how my society is structured. That's why we pay the politicians the big bucks!


Annemarie said…
Hey Kristen - I've read a bit about this and there's some thought that it's due to the increase in black voters. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS NOT IN ANY WAY MEANT TO ASSOCIATE HOMOPHOBIA AND RACE. What I've read/heard is a) there was a big push/advertising in urban/black areas by 'YES' side (which means NO to gay marriage) but very little by the 'NO' side - there was some radio/tv commentary to that effect the other day b) as I understand it, there is less 'out' homosexuality in the black urban culture - again, just what I've heard, obviously I have no personal experience!!! (Can I disclaimer enough here for you?) Some of this I'm picking up anecdotally from 'Da Kink in my Hair' and c) the 'NO' vote was protrayed simply as anti church and I think that the black community is heavily pro church in that area. So some analysis has it as a heavy marketing campaign for one side coupled with a newly heavy voting bloc for whom the issue otherwise had very little historically cultural relevance.
Finster said…
Yeah, I know... the articles that I read speculated that the larger Black and Hispanic populations that came out to vote for Obama were also very church-going and that was what impacted it. On Stephen Colbert last night, the Spokes-Gay Sam said the real damage was caused by 'old people' (keep in mine this was Colbert and they are trying to be funny about it) and that 'thankfully, they are all dying'. I just felt that it was somewhat ironic. Yes, we can! But not you guys...

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