Mindless Diversion - stolen from Magnolia...

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it? When I was little (less than 5) a neighborhood cat did not take kindly to the affection I was trying to show it. She scratched me right above my upper lip. I have an inch long scar under my nose there.
2. What does your phone look like? I just got a new red LG cell phone. It takes pictures. My home phones are varied - 3 cordless black ones, 1 silver "officey" looking phone, and a cordless white phone. We have kids and we need phones all over the house because Mark set it on 3 rings before the answering machine picks up.
3. What is on the walls of your bedroom? The walls are blue. There are 2 prints of flowers in bright colours, a collage of Monet postcards, and a print of the Split Rock Lighthouse from Minnesota near where I was born and the family homestead is.
4. What is your current desktop picture? My screen picture is my two boys in bed with big smiles. They have obviously just had a bath because they have wet hair.
5. Do you believe in gay marriage? Yes, but I don't believe in gay divorce.
6. What do you want more than anything right now? Time.
7. What time were you born? Almost 40 years ago at about 2 A.M.
8. Are your parents still together?Yes.
9. Last person who made you cry? Oliver.
10. What is your favorite perfume/cologne? I like to wear White Diamonds, but now it reminds me of a different time of my life. I was thinking the other day I needed to find a new one, but I so rarely wear perfume it doesn't occur to me to look.
11. What kind of hair/eye color do you like in the opposite sex? A view of the past and present suggests blue/dark.
12. What are you listening to? The music from Annie (don't ask). The Bounce (it's what's on in the car).
13. Do you get scared of the dark? No.
14. Do you like pain killers? I will take Ibuprofen and Tylenol, but codeine makes me wiggy and the stuff the dentist gave me for my abscess made me bitchy and constipated (perhaps they were related).
15. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Well, it's a good thing I am not, because I probably wouldn't be married to Mark otherwise.
16. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? World Class Chocolate ice cream.
17. Who was the last person you made mad? Oliver. He told me he was so mad he was going to run away from home.
18. Is anyone in love with you? I'd like to think so.


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