Final Fringe Reflections! Wrapping it up with Dick Piston and Accidental Beach!

I had a lovely Fringe 2024. I hope everyone else did too! I did a rough calculation and over the 11 days (10 at the site watching shows and drinking in atmosphere) I saw 21 shows, had hundreds of conversations with friends and strangers, ate more than my share of mini-donuts, had my G.O.C., went to the Next Act three times, and walked over 85,000 steps! I spent less than $500 for all this entertainment and activity so that's definitely a WIN!  

On the final Sunday I spent my day laughing, catching two local comedies! It was a great day to end the Fringe!

Dick Piston Hotel Detective in Prague-Nosis - This was a super fun show where, just like the titular Dick Piston, you weren't always sure what was going on! But that was the fun of it. The cast of 5 (plus the many-hatted sign holder ASM) were fabulous as they attacked this very funny, clever script. No one is quit who they seem to be, except maybe Dick Piston, but he's very confused trying to solve a hotel guest's robbery. There's a hypnotist magician, a man with no pants, an international film star (famous in Europe) and a jewel thief - OR IS THERE?! It zigged and zagged with clever wordplay and flashbacks and a twist no one sees coming, especially Dick Piston! This was the first Fringe for Nachopals Theatre and they hit is out of the park! 

Accidental Beach - Recreating 'an almost perfect musical' that they improvised during the past season, the 11 O'clock Number folks from Grindstone Theatre served up sand and laughs with this one. It was hilarious and they embraced the spirit of recreation. It's got it's twists and turns and amazing songs and lots of laughs. It was held over at the Varscona and it wasn't hard to see why. Clearly inspired by Edmonton's accidental beach, the cast merge Baywatch with a Mafia movie and Lizard babies for a show that's impossible not to laugh at! It was a terrific way to end Find Your Fringe! 

It was a fun way to end the summer! See you next August!


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