And Life Returns to Normal?

Guess we'd have to know what "normal" is for that to happen.... But Sense and Sensibility is up and running and I have returned to just my regular job and I have even finally had a couple of days off, so I am feeling a little more rested. The intensity of the 10 weeks was such that it will take me a little while to completely reflect on what I have learned and what I will do with it.

As to Sense and Sensibility, here are a few reviews to help you decide if you will be checking it out.

REVIEW from Colin MacLean, Gig City

REVIEW from Liz Nicholls, 12th Night

REVIEW from Liane Faulder, Edmonton Journal

REVIEW from Mel Priestley

REVIEW from Jenna Marynowski, After the House Lights

I was very happy with the show onstage and have now seen it 6 times and will see it another time before it closes. It is the last week, so act fast!

Now that the show is up and running, I have been working hard to catch up with my theatre viewing. I saw the delightful Irma Voth at Theatre Network last week. It is closed now, but it was a refreshing little piece of theatre full of humour and humanity.

I caught ELOPE's Sweeney Todd on Friday night and partook of the delicious meat pies on sale outside the Arts Barns. It was a surreal experience to see the show as it was the first time I had seen a show that I had previously directed. Hard to sort through expectation and memory.

Last weekend I caught the frenetic Bone Wars from Punctuate Theatre. At it's core, it was a TYA show that had opportunity to really discuss the importance of scientific method, unfortunately the over incorporation of extra social issues muddied the waters a bit. Still entertaining and very silly with a very talented cast - I'm just not sure the kids would be able to sift through all the layers and get to the bones of the story.

Somewhen in the last month or so I also caught 9 Parts of Desire presented by Maggie Tree. It needed a little more cohesion, but left me thinking and searching google for more information on the Iraqi War, something I sadly knew little about. The show seemed externally hijacked by the discussion of diversity in theatre, and after seeing it, I hoped that the work itself would direct audiences to the core of the play - survival and coping after living through (and still) war. The 9 women in this play live through a situation of war as normal life, and the effects of that are devastating.

I also managed to catch Madfandango Theatre Collective's The Believers presented through the Roxy Performance Series at Theatre Network. Still not quite sure what it all meant but boy-oh-boy was it compelling. The direction was incredible.

I think there was something else in there... if I remember, I will make a comment or two.

Up next this week I will be seeing Art at Shadow Theatre and Bonnie and Clyde at Northern Light Theatre. I also have Jesus Christ Superstar at the Mayfield lined up for next week.

So, what is normal?


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