A Mountain, A Weapon, and a Dinner Party...

Annapurna, Shadow Theatre - Funny, real, and moving, it tells the story of an unexpected reunion of a long estranged couple. Their history is revealed slowly and significantly as they each harbour resentments and scars from the past. Ullysses, in a powerful and humourous performance by Shaun Johnston, is a tortured cowboy poet who greets us in an unconventional outfit. Emma, played by Coralie Cairns, arrives at Ullysses' somewhat derelict trailer with an obvious hidden agenda and more baggage than just the large suitcases which suggest she is there to move in. The two have great chemistry together and Shadow has created a sensitive and funny show you probably shouldn't miss this theatre season.

Annapurna runs to February 5th at the Varscona Theatre. Tickets here. 

Star Killing Machine,Broken Toys - "This is absurd!" yells one of the characters... and yes, yes it is. But it is also a lot of fun and filled with some really great music. I did wish for mics, not because you can't hear every word, but because it's a rock musical and I wanted to hear it more. It's a new work and I hope that it's only an early incarnation, because I think there is a lot of future in it. Go for the music, go for the ridiculous twinkie, go for the rolling chair dance, go for the beautiful closing song, go for the quirky humour. There's a lot of reasons to see this show.

Only one show left - today at 2 pm. Tickets here. 

Disgraced, Citadel Theatre - As I woke up this morning and read my twitter and FB feed, this one feels all the more relevant. An explosive dinner party that lets you step inside the experience of those that aren't you... at least to some degree. You won't leave with answers, but you should leave with more empathy and hopefully connection. A terrific script brought to life by the perfect cast.

Disgraced runs to February 12th. Tickets here. 


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