March Madness for #yegTheatre!

There's a lot on the go this month for theatre.  The start of the month is jam-packed with indie theatre options so there's really no excuse to stay home!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've already taken in Hot Mess and The Other, two of the indie options on the docket.

Next up for me is Alice Through the Looking-Glass at the Citadel.  I'm looking forward to seeing the Super-Star Edmonton-cast of this show which promises to embrace the topsy-turvy sensibility of the Lewis Carroll story. The costumes and set are fantastic (designed by Bretta Gerecke) and the scenes I have seen as part of the media call looked very cool.  Can't wait to see the Jabberwocky and the Walrus and the Carpenter come to life! I studied both of the Alice books in University and kind of want to re-read them to refresh my memory...

I'll be taking in 2 more shows this weekend. A little musical treat with Wish You Were Here by the Plain Janes and then a hard 90 degree turn with the parent-teacher interview premised Gidion's Knot presented at Skirts AFire. Then next week I will be seeing This is War by Hannah Moskovitch presented by Punctuate Theatre. As you can see, this first half of the month is a real roller-coaster!

I'll check back when I've seen a few and let you know what's up for the rest of the month later!


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