A Couple More Fringe Shows...

Yesterday I snuck in a show between my two shows and I forgot to mention one from the earlier day (all that hairspray I am inhaling is affecting my memory I think!). 

Life is a Musical! - It seems the only time I catch Improv is at Fringe and this is the 3rd time I have caught Grindstone Theatre's live improvised musical.  The story this time centered around a Barista from Starbucks named Sasha.  They cleverly tied it to West Side Story and it was a lot of fun. Highlights for me were the villans, Antonio (Neil Kuefler) and Banderas (Mark Vetsch) whose machismo was hysterical and the absolutely brilliant Mary Hulbert who played Sasha.  Hulbert sang a torchy long song (she's done this before) that I hope they recorded because it was so good. A sure-fire, super fun, hour of improv!

Loris and Beaver Play BINGO - I caught this earlier in the week. It's a play about writing a play.  As a playwright there were things I connected to in terms of the struggle to actually work and the things you do to avoid the writing (I however, do not drink nearly as much wine!). I really liked the scenes from the "play in progress" and would have liked to have seen more of that.  I think those where the places where the writing was strongest and most focused. All three actors are engaging and likable and quite natural onstage. 

Anyhow, I have my penultimate SHOUT! performance today.  Was excited to be approached in the Beer Tent last night by Laurie Blakeman who said she really enjoyed the show AND that she tweeted about it! Woo hoo! Catch us at 2:15 p.m. today or 9:00 p.m. on Saturday! 


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