A Five Show Friday at Fringe!

I saw four shows in addition to my own yesterday and in my travels I got from the Fringe site to Scona High School in less than 10 minutes.  I am pretty proud of myself! Here are the highlights from what I saw!

Red Wine, French Toast, and the Best Sex you Ever Had - A Sold Out Westbury Theatre for a dance show? WHY?  Because it was so good.  Accessible, complicated, whimsical, & saucy - so many descriptors for this show.  It's held over for good reason and I am so glad to see a piece like this in the mix.  This is one of those fringe gems that makes the Fringe lottery of ticket buying pay off.  You pay $15 and you get to see something worth so much more.

Polly, Polly - A really interesting concept and very funny solo piece all about Polly. Sit centre if you can because of the sight-lines in the space, but it's still engaging even from the sides.  It surprised me a little because it wasn't what I was expecting - that's always a good thing. Lots of laughs, and a little bit more.

Dogfight - This show had me in tears at the end.  It's hard to believe that this was a fringe show, the quality of the production was so good.  Excellent singing and acting all-around, but especially from the leads Chris Scott and Mary Kate Whitehead.  Sydney Williams is another stand-out in a smaller role but I cant' wait to see her again onstage.  She has something. Like Red Wine, French Toast this is one of those gems that you are lucky to see. I am stunned that it got anything less than 5 stars because I honestly do not know what more they could have done.

I've got a couple more to see tonight and tomorrow.  I hope you manage to get out to see some great stuff. I know I have!


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