Salome, The Fierce Awards, A Visit from my Sister, Opening Night of 2 Pianos 4 Hands, Hallowe'en and a Second and Third Helping of The Daisy Theatre... Just Another Week...

The trouble with having so much great stuff on your plate is that when you don't have much time to actually blog about it!

My incredibly busy spree started last Thursday with the Invited Dress for the Edmonton Opera's Salome.  It was a gorgeous and lush show and I loved Salome's ( Maida Hundeling) soaring high notes, although she was difficult to hear in the lower sections.  They told us that because it was dress the performers might be marking their voices, so I imagine that this did not happen during actual shows. I just wanted to hear! Compared to the last two operas I saw, this one took me a little longer to get into as I felt the opening half was a bit slow and I was a bit distracted by the disembodied voice of John the Baptist (Jakonen).  Once we met all the characters I was much more invested.  I really loved what they did with the Dance of the Seven Veils and Salome's final aria as she cradled the head of John the Baptist was quite lovely.  The world was striking itself.  I loved the fractured moon and the lighting and the use of chains as a framework/scrim was quite ingenious, and the lighting (designed by Brette Gerecke) - Oh! the lighting was gorgeous.   I feel like I am being challenged as an audience member when I see opera so I am excited for whatever comes next.

The next night I was at another Invited Dress as I took in 2 Pianos 4 Hands at the Citadel.  I hade read the script because it's part of my job but it really didn't prepare me for how incredibly good the show was going to be.  I think that is because the script doesn't really have all the music in it and the two actors (Ted Dykstra and Richard Greenblatt) are so good at both acting and playing that it took it to a whole new level. I am going back tonight with my kids and husband because I MUST share it with them.  My boys have done piano for 4 1/2 years so I think they will get a kick out of it. It's selling really well so I would advise getting tickets earlier rather than later - so totally worth it!

My sister came to visit on the weekend.  I took her to The Daisy Theatre as I thought she'd like that.  She did and I did.  It was my second time.  About 65% of the show was the same with 35% of new stuff or stuff I hadn't seen, but even the things that were familiar were fresh and alive as Ronnie Burkett certainly keeps it current and he mixes it up a bit.  I actually went for a Third helping last night as well, so I feel like I am stalking the show.  I am not sure if I will catch it again, but I kind of want to because there are characters I still haven't seen and I want to see it all!  Last night was
particularly hysterical, with a new piece that had me howling!  Only two more weeks of this show and the seating is limited because it's in The Club so I'd get on this one.  It's not one to miss!

On Monday I was at The Fierce Awards for which I was nominated.  I didn't win, but I felt like a winner because I had some great friends there with me to support me and make me feel special.  The chocolate martinis and cotton candy didn't hurt either!  It was nice to see so many talented women (and men in the Champion category) from the community being recognized. It was a night filled with cheesy jokes, belly dancing, some cool hula hoop tricks, great singing and hip hop dancing.  Most inspirational were the winner's speeches.  Some really great women got recognized!

I squeezed in a couple of Proof Rehearsals and then Hallowe'en/Opening Night hit. It was exciting to hear about the audience's reaction to 2 Pianos 4 Hands.  This show has gotten standing ovations every night so far and has been so well received that we had to add another show to accommodate the demand.  That's pretty exciting.  I took my boys a few nights later and I will be writing a separate post about that.   Suffice it to say, I was impressed, entertained and touched by the show and the performances.

A busy week!  I have more to write about since, so I will wrap this up and hope that you can check out some of the shows... there are more on the docket in town so, as I like to say on twitter, DON'T STAY HOME! SEE A SHOW!


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