Back to School Preparations...

We are one week from the return to school for the boys and a little bit longer for me. Now that Fringe is done I have to go through all their stuff that they brought home last June and see what I need to get. It is irritating to buy a new set of pencil crayons every fall when I know we have a huge box of half used ones at home. I think I might spend some time sorting through those and the crayons and saving some money instead of buying new ones. Don't call me cheap - call me frugal. I hate the waste!! I know they also brought home some duo tangs and loose leaf paper and Oliver has a binder that is immaculate. I'd like to reduce the purchases as much as possible.

For my school I have a list of nothing. I am doing scene study (Drama 257) so there are no texts on the list and I think I probably just need to dress to move. I am at a disadvantage there since I do not move as well as those 20 year olds, but I will do my best.

I am debating auditioning for a couple of projects this Fall. I do not want to get swamped and I want space to write. It will have to be the right project with the right people. I want to work on things where I learn... I also don't want to fill up the time and then find I am unable to do something amazing that might come along later. So, I think I have to wait for the right thing... I really should be writing more...

Night Music picks up again this week and goes into high gear next week. Sitz Probe on Wednesday and rehearsals on both Saturday and Sunday. I really need to review my lines. I know that next week will be challenging but luckily we (as a cast) are in good shape and I know we will all support Elizabeth as she finds her Desiree and moves into the show.

Today I spent some time with Gibson alone at the Telus World of Science while Oliver went fishing with Grandpa. Apparently Dad fell in the water and the fishing was not great, but Oliver had a good time and is getting quite good at casting. That's pretty cool. Gibson enjoyed having me to himself and spending my money!


Annemarie said…
Your comments about moving made me think I should tell you about my Tai Kwon Do - did I mention that I've taken this up? Twice a week I go to class in my white workout pajamas. I'm really enjoying it - they teach alot of children's classes, so it's not really hard core (I get a sticker at the end of each class to put against my name on the wall!).

Anyway, I'm in Monday's class - just me and my most frequent compatriat - some 15 year old gangly boy - we're in the warm up period which involves stretching and then moving back and forth across the small space doing different kicks and/or athletic moves like jumping jacks. We turn to the instructor to get the next move and she says; 'Ok, now go to the wall and back doing either somersaults or cartwheels - your choice!!' :) :)

Pardon!?!? Oh, and then I'll teleport my partner across the room using only the power of my mind, shall I? :) I finally threw myself into some cartwheels - landing on my a$$ each time. The boy helpfully suggested that somersaults were easier. I didn't have the heart to tell him my spine no longer bent that way...

Finster said…
I have never been able to do a cartwheel - ever - my centre of gravity was always too big...

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