Full Circle...

In the Summer of 2005, I relocated to Edmonton from Fort McMurray. It was a tough move for me. I was very happy in Fort McMurray and found it to be a rich life, filled with opportunity to act and direct and even write (I had written my first play and had it produced in 2003-4). I knew Edmonton as a theatre city from my University days, but primarily as a spectator/audience member. I knew there would be a lot of things for me to see, but I was not sure about what I would be able to do. This worried me. I had no plans to teach as I had two young children, one of whom had a speech delay, and the constraints of Mark's new work-schedule would make child care challenging. In any case, we made the move. The first few months were hard - for those of you who know me, I like to be very, very busy - I was not busy at all. Then a friend recommended ELOPE and I auditioned for and got in Fiddler on the Roof. While in that cast, one of the other cast members recommended Walterdale. I auditioned for and got into Lunatic at the 2006 One Acts. I found a home. I liked this place. So I jumped in with both feet, joining the Board of Directors as Secretary. I also auditioned for Steel Magnolias directed by Linette Smith. I was hopeful, I loved the play and thought that maybe I could be used in it. How absolutely delighted I was to be cast as M'Lynn, my dream role. I knew I was a little young for it, but Linette saw something in me and cast me. That show turned out to be a marvelous experience for me. I felt I grew leaps and bounds as an actor. I also worked with 5 wonderful actresses and made real friendships with everyone on the team. It cemented my connection with Walterdale. Here was a place for realizing potential! Now it is full circle for me. It is 5 years later and it is Opening Night for my final production as Artistic Director and how wonderful, Linette Smith is directing the show. Not only that, but Pat Eyford (who was SM for Magnolias) is also SM for Village of Idiots, and Erin Foster-O'Riordan (who played Truvy in Magnolias) is Sound Designer. It feels right. Full Circle...


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