Future Planning...

Yesterday AM and I met for Finally Sauces and figured out what we will be doing for the Fringe. It is kind of exciting, as I will have another one of my scripts on a Fringe stage, and even more so because we know we are in and have none of that anxiety about 'will we get in or won't we'. We decided, after looking through a number possibilities, to remount Pieces, the one-act I wrote that was produced at Walterdale 4 years ago in From Cradle to Stage. It won't just be a remounting, however, as I have done a lot of writing since and I feel I can develop it more. Currently is runs 25-30 minutes and I would like to add 15-20 minutes to develop some of the background characters more. I will also be directing, which I feel more confident about after the last Fringe experience.

I also have to figure out what will happen to me next year. The new AD will shortly be selected and that will mean a job that has taken up a lot of my time will no longer be on my plate. I will certainly miss it as I really felt that it has been a position that suited me really well. I am deciding whether I submit to direct - although I know it may be unlikely that I will get a show since I have directed there the last two years. It might be nice to take a step back and do shorter term projects. I would like to be a master painter on a show, and I am also interested in set design (although I lack the drafting skills). I also could pursue more at the University. There have been projects there I have been interested in doing over the last 2 years but my time commitments to Walterdale have prevented that. I know that I will be busy and have opportunities, but I don't like not knowing what they will be.


Annemarie said…
So it sounds like they have found a suitable candidate?

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