Reunions and Opening Weekends...

The show (The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas) opened this weekend. It has been a fabulous first half of the run as all five of our shows have SOLD OUT. You always want the show to be successful, but I try not to focus on that as a measuring stick. Instead I tried to focus on making the show really good, and fun and to promote it as best I could so that we could get people out to see it. It is so gratifying to see the audiences come out and to see them be so appreciative. I saw the show Opening and then returned yesterday afternoon for the Sunday afternoon. On Opening we had a nice strong show but I knew the cast was a little nervous and tentative... they have certainly loosened up and are sinking their teeth in with confidence and pure enjoyment - it is so nice to see the show grow without seeing it go off the rails!

Also this weekend I had my 25th High School Reunion. For the two previous reunions I was Chair (10th) and heavily involved (20th) but for this one I could not put as much time in. I was involved in all the discussions and passed along information and handled Facebook and the nametags but that was about all. But you know, since this was our third, we actually kind of know what we are doing so I will take credit for groundwork... Anyhow, the weekend was a lot of fun. I unfortunately was a bit sick (still am) but I managed to get sleep deprived in any case. I loved seeing and visiting with everyone. I always feel blessed that we had the class that we did. I know not everyone has a Grad Class that they actually like and stay connected with - but I did and I am grateful. Already there is talk of the 'the next one' (a good sign) and that makes me happy.


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