Updating my Resume...

No, I am not looking for work, but it is always good to periodically add things before you forget what you did. I was also contacted about teaching a Drama camp at the Zoo this summer so they need my resume on file so I had to make sure it was up to date. I was amazed by how much theatre stuff I have done since I moved to Edmonton. Last year I worked on 7 Productions - primarily in prominent roles (Director, playwright, actor). I have already racked up 4 projects this year and it is only 1/2 way over. I think that will be it for this year, except I will start work on Rabbit Hole before the end of the year. I will also be at the University and continuing with the ADship so it will not be like I am sitting on my butt.

I looked into what was required for me to return to teaching, but I think if I do I would just be a substitute because it is hard to deal with child care and running around for the store if I am also working full-time. But it is nice to know that everything is in place if I wanted to do it. I think I would like a year or two to get the house in order. I keep saying I am going to do it, but I only seem to get to it in piecemeal. There is so much stuff (baby toys, clothes, books) that I should be purging from the house. I have started, but I need more time!


Thanks for the relevant post. It would be a must for every job seekers to make sure that when employers read their resume, it won't be rejected. professional resume writing Edmonton makes sure that you will stand out.

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