A Long Day Devoted to Walterdale...

Yesterday I spent from 9-3 at Walterdale working with the Board on Policy and Procedures. That was good but I was very tired from being out the night before (A Chorus Line). Then I scooted off to the Post Mortem for Come Back to the Five & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. That took a little longer than I thought it would, but I am glad we got it done. The major complaints/issues were with one particular person and that will need to be addressed. There are other issues to be looked after, and I will get on starting those in motion today. 90% of all issues that happen in our organization (and in most) have to do with communication. There were many things that came up to which I said "How come I didn't know about this when it was happening - I would've helped" but the perception was that it wasn't my job to help in those cases. I believe that if you aren't getting the help you need then come to me. I may not be able to help directly, but I can usually get the ball rolling... if I know. Oh well. This happens in a changing organization where people approach roles differently - the membership is unclear about who can do what or who will do what. I am trying to change that. Anyhow, after that I headed back to the theatre to watch a bit of the Lend Me a Tenor rehearsal. They were doing the curtain call which is a riot and I had fun watching different parts each time they ran it. It was a bit of a marathon for those in the cast. It was good to check in with the Team on this one as with Sweeney and illness I have really only checked in via email. They seem to be rolling along and it looks like a lot of fun!


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