So, I am a little late on this... it's a funny story why mostly having to do with my husband locking ALL his keys in his truck (both set for both vehicles that he drives) and then him having to take my van to work while I waited for AMA... It's all good and I am happy to report I made it to the Fringe Site on time for my shows! On Monday I caught three shows! Sheep Play - I booked this show because it fit nicely into my schedule and sounded intriguing... Sheep in a post-human world? Okay - let's see what this is! The sheep were hilarious with excellent Scottish accents that sounded very right for the show. There's the best Ukulele song (well sung, well played, and well suited to the piece)! There's also a bit of " What the heck is going on?!?! " but I was laughing (as was most of the audience) so it's all good. I was certainly entertained, even if I was a bit confused at times! Microwave Coven - I try not to miss the Guys in Disguise shows and this ...
So, I think I've talked to you before in general terms about blogging and why people do it and what reactions they're looking for. I follow this Personal Finance blog and there's this one post that I finally had to comment on.
Here is the link:
I'm Anonymous commenting as posts number 14 & 16 (on Oct 5).
I'm still puzzling out how I feel about this whole blogosphere and the interactions between strangers that occur as a result (I feel weirded out just by posting a comment, much less writing an actual blog entry) so I thought I'd send it to you so that we could chat about it sometime. (If I were a talented writer; complimented say, by a Noble Prize Winning author; I would write about my feelings. But I'm not).