
Busy getting ready for the final project in Drama 103. We have our big final rehearsal tomorrow and I am trying to make sure I have my things ready. I was Director for the project, by I also put together the slides for our projections and build the backdrop as well. I have been painting the edges of the drop so that it doesn't just look like a tea-dyed bed sheet. I hope the painting looks okay. There is no time to fix it. Of course, we can always do the *if we had unlimited budget...* thing in the talk back portion. I have been most disappointed by the talk back components of the presentations we have seen thus far. Only one of the groups really seemed prepared and cohesive with regards to production and discussion of concept. All of the productions had positive elements, but I strained to figure out why they made the choices they made. I hope we are clear.

I also took time to go to see A Year of Winter at Shadow Theatre last night. I ran in to friends which was nice since I had gone solo. One of them was the playwright. It was an intriguing show. I was involved in a Playwrighting Lab where this was one of the scripts so I had read two previous drafts so I was very excited to see it on it's feet and to see what had changed. I liked the major changes and I think it is a much stronger piece than I initially read (I liked it then, too, but I think it's even better now) I did spend some time wondering what the experience would be like for someone who did not have my knowledge of the relationships between the characters straight off the top. If you see it, let me know how it played out for you. It is a play I would love to discuss more...

Tonight I am off to The Rocky Horror Show at the Catalyst. It is one of my least favorite plays, but some great young friends of mine are putting it on, so I am going to support them and see what they have done. I admit, I am scarred by seeing a particularly bad production of this show. I am hoping this one will redeem the play for me.


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