Fringe Experience

Well, the Fringe is over. It was definitely worth doing but it was a totally different energy from any other shwo I have done. I did close the run out with a sprained ankle (just for fun!) so that affected my last show. I actually think it was one of my best of the run so I am thankful for Ibuprofen and Adrenalin for keeping the pain down while I was onstage. All this talk of juried shows and the "professional" vs. "amateur" debate that I have been reading continues to swirl in my mind. I am concerned for a change that might be made that wouldn't take into account everyone's perspective. It's the Libra in me. If a change is made I want it to be fair. Besides, when I went through the Fringe program I saw plenty of "professional" names. They want it to be more fair --> maybe Trevor Schmidt shouldn't have 3 shows in. Don't bounce someone with one show when there were people with 2 or 3 in there. Why couldn't he step aside for One Yellow Rabbit or Teatro de la Quindicina? Why is it the new/amateur companies who are willing to take their own financial risk to try to make Art that are being asked to step aside? And what is my action? Do I boycott the pro-shows? Do I continue to write letters that don't get published? I just want the Fringe to continue to have something for everyone (both audience and performers).


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