Getting Ready for Fringe...

I am in a Fringe Show. It is called El Muchacho and it will be playing in the Westbury theatre in the Arts Barns (that's the BIG one - yay!). We have been rehearsing since the beginning of June and it is rolling along. It is fun to be in a show and this is agood time of year for me. I am enjoying the challenge of the music and have been tickled to receive compliments from the cast on what I have done. I do recognize I have a ways to go in the interpretation of the music, but I am on my way. I am excited though, to be in a Fringe show for a number of reasons:

1. I have never done one before. I have volunteered and participated as an audience member at the Fringe and I have always liked the atmosphere there. I have also done Interplay in Fort McMurray and although it is not the long haul of the Fringe, you could easily do 5 shows in 3 days (we will be doing 6 shows in 10 days). In any case, this is something new. I look forward to my "performer" name badge and all that will come my way with it!

2. I like the option of doing theatre in the summer. The winter is busy with school and other obligations and driving in the snow and ice. The summer is hot and it is light outside when I leave the rehearsal space at 10:30 p.m. It also gives focus to the summer which I often lack. Good for me to have a project!

3. This is the important one: The Fringe seems to be a level playing field for productions. Everyone gets reviewed. It doesn't matter if you are professional or community or whatever - Fringe is Fringe. I like that. I have to stop apologizing for not being a "professional". The work is the work and being in a Fringe show demonstrates that. If I do my work, it will show. If I don't --> that too will show on stage! It won't matter that I don't have a BFA or I'm not getting paid. In this town there is so much theatre that the divisions during the "regular season" are very evident. I am sick of sensing that my work is disregarded because of where I choose to do it. I work hard, and that is what should count.


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