Edmonton Fringe: First Two Days - No Duds yet!

I've caught five shows so far - here are my super quick reactions!

Fags in Space - So very cute and adorable. Was happy to get ALL the nerd jokes, even the Doctor Who ones! This was a nice gentle and humorous rom-com about two young men who are destined to be together. 

Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls - A fine mix of ghost stories and burlesque! Send in the Girls (or Ghouls, in this case) delivers for the burlesque fans out there with a spooky theme! 

Conjoined - Great songs and singing in this show about conjoined twins who find challenges in being together all the time. A cool premise with a bit a of a twist ending! Josh Travnik is definitely one to watch! 

White Guy Onstage Talking - I can't describe the show, but my friend said, "This was what I thought Fringe shows would be, before I saw an actual Fringe show!" I laughed so hard and I am betting that it will be hard to top the amount of laughter. It's weird and ridiculous and not what you expect... 

Charlie and the Siberian Monkey Goddess - A very cool, solid little play about "Charlie Chaplin" and a psychiatrist... or are they? Clever script with an interesting twist at the end. 


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