Pushing Through and Release... A Vent...

Typically in my life I go through these intense periods where I have several things on the go and I think I will not survive getting all of them done and then when I do I go through a lull where I find myself with lots of time on my hands. I have been in a busy period since last fall. I do have a bit of a lull on the calendar starting at the end of October and I am so looking forward to that. I am most frustrated with the 'other things' that pop into my life to suck up time I could be using to get things done. I have spent a lot of time this week dealing with stuff that I shouldn't have to. If you don't like my answer, sometimes that's just too bad. Sometimes we have to compromise. And a compromise means no one gets exactly what they want but everybody gets a little bit of what they want. I rarely get exactly what I want, why do people expect they should be different? Grrrr...

At Sweeney I snapped at someone who brought an issue to me that they should've been dealing with themselves. It was unrelated to the show and had to do with a personality conflict from an incident with one of the other team members on another project. I was cranky, sick and tired and snapped "I am not your mother!". I felt bad about snapping, but there have been so many times when people have tattled to me about other people in the last few months that I just want to snap at them. Why can't people negotiate with others like grown-ups. Sometimes I feel like I am dealing with a bunch of teenagers. And when I have so much piled on my plate, the last thing I need is to be wasting my time massaging egos and repeating my decision 10 different ways so they get the message I am not budging.


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