Better Get Focussed...

My final exam is coming up on Thursday of this week. I have done a bit of studying, but not all that I have planned. I am not really worried about it though. From the review I felt quite confident about what was expected of us. I need to review each of the 5 plays (I have reviewed 1.5 of them) and the terms for the course, but I only have the one final and I have all of Tuesday to study. I also will study on Wednesday because I can do some when Gibson is in Fun factory. I just hope I am not over-estimating my preparedness...

Charlie Brown auditions have come and gone. I did my best not to think too much about them and I am happy to hear that they cast it and it sounds well cast. I was happy to hear that Chris got in. Out of 15 guys, they cast 6 (4 leads, 2 ensemble) so that says something. I am being very cherry about it, because it was my decision not to audition, but man-o-man did I ever want to do that show! I am sure it will be a good show and I know there will always be other opportunities for me.


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