A Personality Profile

I went to Magnolia's Blog and she had this cool-o personality profile so I did one. I have no idea how to post it the way she did, but I will list the web address below if you want to check it out. It should tell you something about me (?).


Treadmill was successful yesterday --> got 44.5 minutes and 2.6 miles done before Gibson's diaper forced a retreat to the upstairs. I will try to time it so next time he is not likely to foul up the air. Feel good today. We have soccer at 1:00 p.m. at the YMCA. I like soccer because I chat with 2 other moms and one lives right around the corner. I am going to suggest a "play-date" over Spring Break or maybe on the next P.D. Day. The best thing is that I like her and Oliver and her son are glued at the hip at soccer. I can't tell you how many times I like the Mom and the kids don't really connect, or the kids like each other but I don't really connect with the Mom. If you don't have kids, you will understand if you ever do. If you do have kids, you know what I mean!


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